The good thing about London is the amount of people here (counter-thought to my country roots). Anyways, we literally meet people from all over the world when we step outside our doors. We have talked to people who are considered to be unreached people groups every time we go to the streets. One woman termed it the city of accents because there are so many languages spoken here.
So now that you have a little updated information Ill let you know what exactly I've been doing. I have been living with students from all over the world helping out with two different church plants. The church plant I have been helping in particular is a Turkish church plant called Yeni Yasam (Yin-ee Yah-sha-m). I've helped with Sunday School, preparing Turkish tea for tea time afterwards, cleaning, etc. All of this logistical stuff is on Sunday.
During the week is a little bit different. Some days we go out on popular North London areas to set up book tables with books and handout tracts of all different languages and try to have conversations to get people thinking about the Gospel. With each thing we hand out we make sure to have an address of the local church we go to in the mornings and to Turkish church if a Turkish speaking person is interested. The other days we are just learning more about the people of London. I have a deeper understanding of Muslims and what there religion is as well as Hindus and Agnostics and atheists.
These past two weeks were a little more intense than usual during this time called outreach. We actually lived in the church itself in order to better focus on that community for two weeks (normally we live 45 min away). Another side note this is why there is such a late update because there really wasnt internet access. We were able to have more book table opportunities and help out with the church.
This post is mostly logistics for those of you who want to know what I've been doing. (I promise my supporters I'm not here on vacation haha). God has really taught me a lot through this and has just grown me so much and has guided every step of this process. This post ill leave off on just logistics but to see what God has been doing in me personally tune in tomorrow.
From London with Love
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